Saturday, November 26, 2011

Quick Rejection

Currently, this dress is our symbol of hope. Why? Read on.

Quick recap: On Wednesday (23rd) we found out that our paperwork had been resubmitted to the US Embassy in Addis. Thursday was Thanksgiving. Friday morning we received an e-mail requesting additional information/interview. So, we were not cleared to bring Kokeb home.

We didn't think the Embassy was open on Friday, so we were happy that we were rejected quickly. We are hoping that the interview will take place quickly.

On Thursday night, Brian and I did most of our Christmas shopping online. Earlier in the week we had seen a dress that we fell in love with and thought would be perfect for Christmas for Koki. After finding out that it was sold out online, my friend Melissa picked it up for us on Black Friday.

We are hoping she will be able to wear it for Christmas...this year. We are keeping the faith.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I love Thanksgiving. I love to reflect on all of the things in my life that truly bring me joy. I am so blessed. Of course the things that bring me the most joy are my family and friends. Elijah and Mekebo make me laugh every day. I love being able to teach them every day. I love watching them learn new things. Brian is the most optimistic and supportive husband. I don't know what I would do without him.

My extended family, from my mother and father, to my sisters and brothers, and my grandmother, have been such a source of encouragement this past year. I have awesome friends who have been such good listeners.

This picture of Kokeb was taken last month. Many of you know that we started our second adoption journey more than 3 years ago. We met, and kissed, and loved on Kokeb this past July. About 2 months ago the US Embassy in Addis asked for additional paperwork in her case. The past two months have tried our patience, but I know that there is a reason for everything.

Today, the day before Thanksgiving, we received word that we were resubmitted to the US Embassy. They will review her paperwork and let us know (hopefully early next week) whether or not we are cleared to bring her home or if they need additional information.

Throughout our entire journey, God has placed other adoptive families in our lives to support us. For this we are grateful.

So, tomorrow, as we sit down with our HUGE family, I will be thinking about all of the things that I am thankful for. And maybe, just maybe, next week we will have something really great to share.